WHAT! Snow/Hail and Ornaments? Christmas stuff already!! Yahoo! It feels like January was just yesterday...

I love the Holiday season, like I have said on previous occasions. The picture here is of what I found on top of my car on Saturday morning. Jonah and I were headed out of the house to go to the 2nd Street Market. Heating up the car was a must. It gave me a moment to put the suet in my bird feeder, AND to take this semi cool pic!
Here are some pictures of recent holiday projects that I have promised to update on. To the right is an ornament I hand painted. It's meant for Big Dave, who is my husband's father. Big Dave (who's actually just tall and skinny) has a blue house. Yay for ornaments!

Here is the PIG! All finished, well mostly. I have to put in the eyes, nose lines and finish the ears. YAY! I made this out of an old 80's pink and grey argyle cashmere sweater that I bought at the Seven Hills resale shop in Cinci for a whopping $0.25. It was just so soft and so pink that I couldn't just send it back to a resale shop - I had to do something with it, and wearing it was not an option. I am going to make another with the argyle parts, too. Look forward to seeing that more towards Christmas.

<--- A huge piece of rose quartz gets a simple twirled sterling setting with the work of the great sterling wire and my (stolen from my great mom) pliers!
Here are two pairs of earrings (Captain Obvious). They're both Swarovski crystal sets with the wrapped sterling settings... what can I say, twirls are my thing this year!

This is Peruvian ...something.... maybe Agate? Yeah... I think that's what momma told me. I twirled it again. Both the back of the rock and the twirled setting lay flat in the back. Any takers? Don't know who I want to give this to yet...

And a set of antique Mali Wedding Bead earrings... but these are for me. I <3 yellow. It was one of the accent colors for a friends wedding this past October and ever since then, yellow is my obsession. Well, not really. I don't sit and think of Yellow not stop, but if someone were to randomly ask me what my favorite color is, I would happen to say for the first time in my life, "YELLOW!" My normal favorites have always been a mossy green and a rusty red.

And then I have something entirely unrelated, but something that I am very proud of... my hubby! He works so hard at his job at the base AND at his other job - SCHOOL. He's in his final year and STILL has a 4.0. He works a full time job as a program manager doing really cool things with really cool people and he does a great job at it, then he comes home and works his tail off on school work. He never ceases to amaze me. This is a paper he wrote on Indo-US relations, blah de blah stuff I couldn't even begin to understand and he was told that he should present and some smarty-pants symposium. Love him and his hard-working butt.