I just got finished watching, "On the Lord's Errand: The Life of President Thomas S. Monson." We have it on DVD, if you live in the area and want to borrow it, but it is available on a lot of different websites, namely the Youtube! Here is a link to part 1 of 6 I can tell you that I got quite a bit weepy at times and loudly chuckled at others. It is a wonderful story of someone who has dedicated their life to serving others in any way he thinks is possible, and also, relying on spiritual promptings to serve others, and in effect, answering their prayers.
Now, you may not be the religious type, but I am sure every person in this world has felt the "good feeling" that comes from serving others, whether it's holding the door, or letting someone merge in to your lane, or helping an old lady across the street. And I know these situations are super cliche', but I can rest assured that situations arise all the time that give one the opportunity to brighten someones day, or lift their spirits, even for a brief moment.
I do pride myself in attempting to serve others diligently and strive to be mindful to those in need. I have countless wonderful memories of those who I have had the chance to help, or feed, or employ, or teach (and those memories are the push to strive to assist more!). I doubt I will ever be able to match the level of attention to service as the good ol' Thomas S. Monson. However magnanamous his efforts are compared to mine, I am rededicating myself to try in every way possible to serve.
So, this morning, before watching the movie, I threw together some banana bread with some "too-brown" bananas. While we watched the movie, smelling the wonderful aroma of baking banan bread, we were excited for the prospect of warm banana bread in our tummies. But as I popped the bread out of its pan and set it on the carving board to slice, Dave said, "You know who loves Banana Bread?" I replied, "you?!" He laughed and said, "well, yes, but the Bishop LOVES banana bread." So I sliced it up and put it all in a baggy to take to the Bishop, with the note, "To Bishop, <3 the Beach's." And as the steamy Ziploc drove away in Dave's car, I smiled a little. in my heart...
and then my stomach growled.
Just kidding! I was very happy to give Bishop Brown something so simple that I know he would appreciate and probably has deserved several times over.
So, I ask, whomever you are, to pay attention to those around you... on the road, on the sidewalk, in the store, in the bathroom at the 2nd street Market, at the playground, at work, on the bus, and every where you go. And when you are alone, think of those who are not near you, who need an expression of love and of care. I will do my best to do so, also.