Hello hello! It's been a fun summer so far, but since my memory ain't so keen anymore, I'd better document the fun so far! A lot has happened in the last month. We've been moving in to our new abode, changing a few things and hitting a few landmarks. The first exciting thing that happened since the last post is that we had a massive hail storm here in D-town. My immediate neighborhood wasn't hit so bad, but just south of us had baseball sized hail, along with very serious damage. There were so many cars with their windshields blown out and windows in houses shattered. Meanwhile all this was occurring, sirens going off, our power out for the day and madness on our hand cranked radio, Jonah, Kitty and I were cramped in our half bath with our "emergency tub" (a Sterilite container full of flashlights, matches, rope and the like) and whatever food I could grab in about 30 seconds. Jonah was only worried about Dad who was stuck on Campus, in a basement and barely had reception. So, with the help of technology, we learned we were both safe. Then, when the storm calmed, I realized we had no electric, and wouldn't probably for a while, and then thought we had to get dinner in us, since we had just gotten home from Jonah's judo class before the storm. We went to Subway, and ate fresh. In this act, I left my technology in the car, not realizing Dave was freaking out because I hadn't responded. Needless to say, he wasn't too happy that he had leave class early, fly down the highway racing home to make sure we were alright just because I left my phone in the car while eating dinner. Whoops.

His frustration ended soon after because about a week later he had is last day at school! Do you see that stack of library books he was returning? Oh yes! That was for his last paper about something having to do with Korean "Othering." With that came intellectual and political mumbo jumbo. At any rate, he's a smart dude and shortly after his last day in school, he graduated! Yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy! I can't describe my pleasure with his graduating -- and with a 4.0. Proud wifey over here!

So after the graduation, we have started getting serious about projects at the new house. Project #1, remover wall paper in basement. If you remember, it was pretty nasty wallpaper. It was brown, yellow and orange, much like the rest of the basement. Well, my awesome momma picked us up a Wallpaper steamer removal thing and in a matter of about an hour, we removed all that wallpaper! It took a bit getting all the other glue and such off, but look how much better it looks! I am mildly questioning their choice of blue paint, but not as much as I was frightened by signs of their previous paint choice. That's right. Just look at it! It's ORANGE! But I guess that's the 70's for ya.

NEXT! We painted the living room. I took these pictures when the sun had already gone down most of the way, so no natural light aided this picture, which makes the color look a bit off. The paint was "New Avocado" from Valspar (i think). We love it! Because all of our current living room furniture is going to the basement, we've got to find all new (and wonderful ) living room furniture that goes with the green. All of window sills are slate and the fireplace is a grey stone. We went to IKEA and found the perfect pillows that are going to help us tie it allllllll together. I am looking forward to that!

On a family note, we celebrated Father's day at my Mom's house. There are quite a few "Dads" we have, but this year we ended up here. The year before we were at Dave's Dad house, so next year, we should end up at my Dads. For mothers day at my moms house, we had a Mexican potluck. It was such a hit, we decided to do an Asian Feast for Father's day! It was so delicious! Dave and I brought sushi and egg rolls. The Sushi was top notch, but the egg rolls didn't turn out so well. I made them in the morning. Note to self, make them right before you cook them. YUCK. My momma made a few different kinds of Spring rolls which were divine, my brother made a few different types of "meat on a stick," and there was also endless other noodle and soup dishes. Endless yummieness. This picture was taken more towards the end, where everyone was so stuffed we could barely move. What an amazing meal!