Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Home Shopping...

If you know me... I'm not much of a shopper.  I hate spending money.  My classic exanple is if I am in a gas station and I really would like some gum, I question whether or not to get the gum... that costs $1.  I know that I can get the gum for $.67 if I buy it in a 3pack at Kroger. So I wait... until the next time I go to Kroger to have minty fresh breath and a sparkly smile. DING!

 And here-in lies most of my problems. 

I don't like looking for things.  I get impatient while at the store, I am not the type to stay in a particular area of the store for very long... UNLESS it's the craft area - yes please!  But that's only because I'm imagining what I can do with the stuff that's in the isle, but I am certainly not going to be buying the stuff IN the isle... well... unless I ca't resist the crafty urge.  I'm crazy, I know. Some people like sports, others like reading books... I like to get my hands creating stuff.   

At any rate, we're house shopping.  We've been saving our money and we are very proud of the amount we have actually saved in a short amount of time... but really, with a wifey like me who hates to shop, its CRAZY what you can save!  BUT GET THIS!  I like shopping for the house.  You wanna know why?  Because I imagine what I can do to the house... like knocking down walls and replacing horrible carpeting with beautiful hardwood.  Our struggle is the in between.  We want a house we can improve, but not one that is disgusting and needs a county representative to decide whether it's liveable.  Most of the houses we have been looking at have either been completely redone and it's too modern for our taste, OR it's really gross.  Also...  we're having disagreements about how much work we think we can do.  I think we will be able to do way more than Dave is thinking we can.  But again, if you know us, Dave is the conservative thinker, and I'm the abstract-way-out-there thinker.

Bummer, huh.  Well...  off to more shopping I go!  Wish me an In-betweener... and right in the location we're looking... and at a very geat price! 

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