Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summa Summa Summa Time.

(My life is a constant 80's and 90's soundtrack.  I apologize.)

This whole "Summer" thing is new to me.  I was a 8to5'er +on-call for the past for-EV-ER (Sandlot style).  Due to a certain sweet little baby girl, I get to have my summer back!
We're gonna live it up.... in good ol' OHIO.... not spending any money 'cause Dad got furloughed.  Sweet.

Here are some things we're gonna try:

First: Plan, plan, schedule, and plan.
 This lady is a GENIUS!  She's scheduling out time for the most important things that summer has to have to be SUMMER.  We're going to do it.  Here's the pin.  
After they take care of their normal things (chores, reading, etc...) they focus on something per day.  It all has alliteration that makes it really easy to remember!  Jonah's really excited for the summer especially because of this list.

Second: He's not so excited about this...
The JOB JAR!  Thanks to my good friends example of what they call "Creative Discipline" I'll be changing up our discipline approach.  Not quite sure how it'll work, but I'll put up a post about it whenever we're in the swing of things.  It's a task oriented approach, like, "If I tell you again to ____ you'll have to do a job!" instead of the "if you do ___, you're grounded!"  I love it!   And your house is cleaner!  Wahoo.  These friends are funny about it, too!  For example, they had one child cut (some of) the grass -- WITH SCISSORS.  Hilarious.  I'm definitely down for that.  They came over for dinner and because one child didn't listen to the parents request, she swept my floor!  Amazing.

Third: SCIENCE.... Weird Science.
Jonah loves science.  We'll be trying some of these experiments and we might invite a few friends over to try out our successful ones.

Here's hoping I get to reclaim my summers.

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