Sunday, February 16, 2014

I made an Octopus costume.

I saw this cute pin of a baby in an Octopus costume and so I made an Octopus costume for my baby girl.  I  had trouble finding the cotton tights, but I had 4 pairs of nylon tights that were similar colors, thick elastic, and googly eyes all in the house. We're in business!

 I stuffed 3 of the pairs of tights with poly-fil. The tights we had were a size bigger than what she could fit, but, really, who gives?!  I drew pink circles around the "bottom" of the tentacles, including the pair she was going to be wearing, and outlined the circles with purple.   I folded the waist portion of the tights around an elastic band and secured them with sewing across. I made sure not to sew on the actual elastic so the tights could move around the waistband.  I took another elastic band and turned it in to a headband. To turn her in to an octopus, I just hot glued some googly eyes on!  Day of, I threw on a long shirt with a little ruffle around the bottom, the tights, the headband and then added the tentacle waistband.  OCTOPUS!  

For me, I was a Brick House.  Yep.  I rocked it.
I got a red shirt, painted on bricks with regular old white acrylic paint.  I used the cardboard from in between a sheet set and painted it brown.  Next, I took leftover box cardboard cut in to 4 rectangles, painted it red, added white lines and then just duct taped together in to a box shape, open on both ends.  It definitely didn't look perfect, I knew no on e would really care.  I also added a little duct tape to the top and squared it off a bit.  I cut off some of the bottom so it would sit on the roof at an angle.  Just scissored it up!  Ok.... now I know you're all wondering, how'd you get it to stay on your head?!  Very simple.  In fact, so simple that when I tried it, I thought there'd be no way it would work.  I got one of those sport elastic headbands that I had from college rowing and duct taped it in two spots, on either side of the roof.  I threw it on my head and viola!  Done!  It was a hit.

And that was my hand made Halloween. (Hubby wouldn't dress up and my son wanted to use the same costume from last year, Captain Rex.  

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