I love the Holidays. Not because you get to see family, eat tons of food or anything - well, okay, that, too... BUT because of crafting! Now, I'm not some granny that just knits all day long in a rocking chair (though I do love a good knit every now and then) I just love figuring stuff out and putting it together! My hands are itching at crafting. While it is the week of Halloween, I haven't done any Halloween crafting, but there is good reason! CHRISTMAS! I am planning on handmaking a lot of gifts this year. I am going to keep most of them quiet on here, for fear the sisters are looking! However, those who I am sure would never happen to stubble upon my humble blog will surely find a place here.
For starters, I have a pink cashmere argyle sweater, circa 1987. I have been dying to do something crafty with it for YEARS. I discovered it's destiny a few weeks ago. PIG. Yes. An awesome little cashmere stuffed pig. Luckily, there is enough sweater to go around for about 3 little piggies. Here is the how-to from good ol' Martha. I will certainly be sharing photos of the finished product. Because I don't have scanner/printer at the house anymore, one of myfavorite parts of the whole project so far was recreating the pattern! I needed to make it bigger than the 3 inch one they have on the pattern. Yay for MATH! I never liked math before now. Math has been put to good use, finally, after all these years.
I'll share some of my past productions from Christmases passed.
Welcome sign, simple Acrylic paint on wood
This one was a gift to myself - a family tree! It's cardstock cut out in a tree and leaf pattern. Light leaves are women and dark leaves are the men. Left side is my side Dave's is on the right. LOVE!
My big projects from last year were blankets. My littlest sisters are swimmers and needed something that was personalized and fun! I love these blankets. I chose colors and designs that match their personalities. Merry is wild and crazy and enjoys a good neon color or two. Katheryne is mild mannered, wise, and reflective. Sky blue and simple flowers suit her. I hope they loved them, too! I took these two photos while still in the making-of: process. I stitched "Katheryne" with a yellow embroidery thread.
Other items I made last year include but not are limited to:
homemade soaps: Man soap (that was brown and smelled like a yummy outdoorsmen), rose soap, milk, honey and almond soap, tea soap (with variants of mint and chamomile YUM)
bath salts: we made a "citrus", a "soothing" scent and a "fresh." The scents were mixtures of all sorts of scented and enriched oils
sugar scrub: i think there was only one kind to this... possibly two since I think we made two batches.
Table top cornhole: this was Dave's surprise. Luckily he was gone for a week before Christmas, so I was able to get it done in time. Dave was pleased with the gift and they have been a lot of fun ever since! I bought the set and then painted and poly'd myself. No stencil, baby. Just pure talent. Here's a picture to prove it.
purses: for the wee nieces. I also purchased finger puppets from IKEA and I put them in the purses. They were made out of a tan fabric and I threw together some flowers out of pretty fabric, ribbon and buttons and voila!
and more!
A Christmas tradition of ours is Painting Ornaments. While I have painted quite a few ornaments in my day, here is of my favorites:
I'll be posting more about Holiday Handmade! Yah for holidays!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
my "lunch" to carrillon park and back.
I work a regular 8-5 job, Monday through Friday along with being on call every 3rd week. My first job post-college, I had a wonderful walking buddy. We had scheduled walks in between our conference calls, phone screens, and resume perusing (we were on a recruiting team). I am in my second job post-college. I am an HR manager for a small Senior Home Care Agency. When I was based out of our Cincinnati Office, it was absolutely insane how busy I was. I would get to work, and then, after a day of running around and running ragged, I would realize that the day was over and then I would also realize that I hadn't eaten anything because I was so busy. I did this to myself nearly every day, or would finally eat around 4 or 5. Yikes. Let me tell you, it did not do wonders for my mentality, psyche or waistline. At one point, I even felt like I was having a heart attack - crazy, right?! Ridiculous. Luckily, about 2 months ago, I was transferred. I no longer have to commute for 2 hours a day, I get to see more sun, and I am MUCH less stressed in our Dayton office. Thank goodness. It has done wonders for my productivity, especially at home and with the family. I am a more normal functioning citizen of society (see how I said, "more." Yeah, well, we all know I am nowhere near normal, but I can at least try). I am no longer exhausted! I have even started CRAFTING again. Thank the heavens. I love crafting.
Back to my original point, work. In my new office, I get the chance to actually TAKE a lunch. I have elected to start walking on my lunches and then come back and eat. Yesterday, I got to walk a few miles to one of the most beautiful parks in Dayton, Carrillon Park. I feasted during my "lunch." Fall was beautiful and I took it all in. As afore mentioned, I am back to crafting, which of course means I am back to photograpy! Below are some of the pictures I took at the park on my "lunch" break. Love.
Back to my original point, work. In my new office, I get the chance to actually TAKE a lunch. I have elected to start walking on my lunches and then come back and eat. Yesterday, I got to walk a few miles to one of the most beautiful parks in Dayton, Carrillon Park. I feasted during my "lunch." Fall was beautiful and I took it all in. As afore mentioned, I am back to crafting, which of course means I am back to photograpy! Below are some of the pictures I took at the park on my "lunch" break. Love.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
...Other than that, it was a normal day!
I serve in the Primary on Sundays. Simply put, I contain chaos. The chaos that is created by children between the ages of 3 and 11. This is a relatively new position for me. I have been in Primary for a solid month now. Previously, I was serving and teaching Young Women (for the last four years), where all I had to contain is the gossip and boytalk. Pretty easy, now that I look back!
So my husband asked as we drove away from the church building yesterday, "So, how'd Primary go today?" All I could do was laugh. Due to the laughter, I had to explain.
It began as any other normal Sunday church session... Sacrament for an hour, with beautiful hymns, uplifting and encouraging speakers and a few prayers. We dismiss for the classes with the usual bottleneck of the Chapel (why do the chatty Kathy's always sit on the last pews? Move it or lose it sister?! I've got kids to teach!) I make a pitstop at the pitstop for the kid and then help a few more kids who just so happen to be as cute as can be. I get in to the class roomand plop my bag down in the last row, closest to door. The seat where one with a whip can snap any kid up, either in trouble or causing it. I do have to say, most children are just lovely. Glorious! However... this was not that day where all children behave. Within minutes the child directly in front of me decides to challenge my authority. Go ahead, wee one. Try me. He began by moving around his metal chair. I lean forward gently, "Please sit still and try to be quiet." He looked at me and growled. Oh, you want to try me do ya??? Ok. Lets rumble. He tried moving it again. I placed my hand on his chair and gently said, "I asked you to sit down and to stay quiet. Please do that." And of course, I did it with a MOM stare. It worked. He turned around and sat. I leaned back in my success. But only a moment later I realized I had only won the battle, not the war. He reached over and pinched his neighbor quite brutally on the arm. OUCH! I hate those. I quickly attempted to remove him from class. That turned in to him attaching himself to his chair, me trying to lift it... didn't work, regardless of my mamouth strength; me trying to scoot the chair out of the room, and right when I was almost in the clear, he ran back to his row and about took out the row in front. I calmly walked back in and said to him, "We need to go out to the hallway and talk... right now." Nothing. He proceded to try to hide himself under the feet of the others in his row. So I resort to picking the kid up like an infant. I took him out to the hallway and sat him on a chair to discuss our options. He pulled my hair, punched me, kicked me, pinched me and then knocked over a chair, all while I was saying, "I need you to calm down." Apparently this child was not speaking English at this point. He hailed from the land of Trantrumland. Yikes. Because I clearly was not getting through to him through speaking, maybe his mom could. After chasing him a little more, I finally picked him up and carried him to his mother... this was a challenge as a passerby stated, "Wrestling match?" Yes. And I was winning. He went to his mother... partial crisis averted.... but it created another.
The child he pinched was scared. I went back to the room only to find him hiding in the corner. I tried to coerce him to come back in, only to be told "NO. I said no, I am not going." Luckily, his dad walked by... but then I got in trouble from him, for letting them near each other. Yikers. I can't win. So eventually he went back in. I then had to pass out "thank-you's" another sister in our ward so lovingly made. This was a nice break from the earlier maddness.
I returned. He was sitting outside again! How did this happen?! The other boy came back in and smacked him upside the head! What!?! This is insanity... all I can say is that at least I wasn't present so I was not responsible. Some of the classes dismissed and the boy who was pinched stayed in the room, as to not dismiss with the pincher. Chaos quelched.
I sit and enjoy the lesson, always better the second time aroung in Primary. Especially since the first go round, I didn't quite get the full effect of the lesson, as I was being wrangled. The missionaries came in and the kids smiled at them. There was even a child volunteer - as an example that all of us can share the gospel, even if it's just hepling the other person, we can each do nice thigs for others. The little volunteer was nice and quiet, a little squirmy, but not distractingly.
I take a few little ones to the potty and all of a sudden it's the end of the last class. I thought all was well - but I thought too soon. Turns out the volunteer for the lesson was squirmy for a reason... and left a wet spot on the floor. As Rebekah said, "At least urine, we know, is sterile!!!" Well put, Rebekah.
So as I finish the story for my husband, I say, "Other than that, it was a normal day!" And then he started to laugh.
Good times. Good times.
So my husband asked as we drove away from the church building yesterday, "So, how'd Primary go today?" All I could do was laugh. Due to the laughter, I had to explain.
It began as any other normal Sunday church session... Sacrament for an hour, with beautiful hymns, uplifting and encouraging speakers and a few prayers. We dismiss for the classes with the usual bottleneck of the Chapel (why do the chatty Kathy's always sit on the last pews? Move it or lose it sister?! I've got kids to teach!) I make a pitstop at the pitstop for the kid and then help a few more kids who just so happen to be as cute as can be. I get in to the class roomand plop my bag down in the last row, closest to door. The seat where one with a whip can snap any kid up, either in trouble or causing it. I do have to say, most children are just lovely. Glorious! However... this was not that day where all children behave. Within minutes the child directly in front of me decides to challenge my authority. Go ahead, wee one. Try me. He began by moving around his metal chair. I lean forward gently, "Please sit still and try to be quiet." He looked at me and growled. Oh, you want to try me do ya??? Ok. Lets rumble. He tried moving it again. I placed my hand on his chair and gently said, "I asked you to sit down and to stay quiet. Please do that." And of course, I did it with a MOM stare. It worked. He turned around and sat. I leaned back in my success. But only a moment later I realized I had only won the battle, not the war. He reached over and pinched his neighbor quite brutally on the arm. OUCH! I hate those. I quickly attempted to remove him from class. That turned in to him attaching himself to his chair, me trying to lift it... didn't work, regardless of my mamouth strength; me trying to scoot the chair out of the room, and right when I was almost in the clear, he ran back to his row and about took out the row in front. I calmly walked back in and said to him, "We need to go out to the hallway and talk... right now." Nothing. He proceded to try to hide himself under the feet of the others in his row. So I resort to picking the kid up like an infant. I took him out to the hallway and sat him on a chair to discuss our options. He pulled my hair, punched me, kicked me, pinched me and then knocked over a chair, all while I was saying, "I need you to calm down." Apparently this child was not speaking English at this point. He hailed from the land of Trantrumland. Yikes. Because I clearly was not getting through to him through speaking, maybe his mom could. After chasing him a little more, I finally picked him up and carried him to his mother... this was a challenge as a passerby stated, "Wrestling match?" Yes. And I was winning. He went to his mother... partial crisis averted.... but it created another.
The child he pinched was scared. I went back to the room only to find him hiding in the corner. I tried to coerce him to come back in, only to be told "NO. I said no, I am not going." Luckily, his dad walked by... but then I got in trouble from him, for letting them near each other. Yikers. I can't win. So eventually he went back in. I then had to pass out "thank-you's" another sister in our ward so lovingly made. This was a nice break from the earlier maddness.
I returned. He was sitting outside again! How did this happen?! The other boy came back in and smacked him upside the head! What!?! This is insanity... all I can say is that at least I wasn't present so I was not responsible. Some of the classes dismissed and the boy who was pinched stayed in the room, as to not dismiss with the pincher. Chaos quelched.
I sit and enjoy the lesson, always better the second time aroung in Primary. Especially since the first go round, I didn't quite get the full effect of the lesson, as I was being wrangled. The missionaries came in and the kids smiled at them. There was even a child volunteer - as an example that all of us can share the gospel, even if it's just hepling the other person, we can each do nice thigs for others. The little volunteer was nice and quiet, a little squirmy, but not distractingly.
I take a few little ones to the potty and all of a sudden it's the end of the last class. I thought all was well - but I thought too soon. Turns out the volunteer for the lesson was squirmy for a reason... and left a wet spot on the floor. As Rebekah said, "At least urine, we know, is sterile!!!" Well put, Rebekah.
So as I finish the story for my husband, I say, "Other than that, it was a normal day!" And then he started to laugh.
Good times. Good times.
Friday, October 15, 2010
While it seemed as any other ordinary day in MY personal life, a few other people had quite the excitement! My sister, Dana, who just so happens to be one of the cutest people ever, happened to make herself even CUTER and get herself married!! Kevin is a Kentucky boy through and through, is now a recruiter for the Air Force and seems to be quite the southern gentleman!
My sister had on this great little outfit that made her look like Carrie Underwood. Even though she may have looked like Carrie Underwood, it's just for reference, because Dana's cuter, for sure!
It was also the day that Annie was confirmed! In our church you can be baptized by immersion for remission of sins on or after your 8th birthday. If you are a convert to the church, obviously you would be baptized on which ever date you chose after your 8th birthday. Annie just turned 18 on Sept 30th and chose 10/9/10. At 19, I chose 8/16/2003. At 15, Dave chose 5/23/1997. And when Jonah nears his 8th birthday he will get to choose his day.
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, after a persons baptism, the following sacrament meeting (Sunday) they are confirmed by receiving the Holy Ghost, to be with you at all times, as a constand guide. Members of the priesthood lay their hands upon the head of the person receiving and they say a simple prayer that bestows the person with the Gift of great magnitude. It is a simple ordinance, but one of great meaning. I sometimes forget the great meaning of it. This past Saturday I learned quite a bit more that I had yet to understand. Sorry if this all gets lost in translation, but if you get confused, just ask, whomever you are. Here'goes:
The process of receiving the Holy Ghost is often called 'the baptism by fire.' While this happens to have all sorts of meanings, I'd like to focus on "baptism." Wait a tick! Wasn't I already baptised? I don't get it. Through further study and understanding of the Holy Ghost, I learned this: We are baptised through immersion for remission of our sins - to be cleansed. In that baptism, we make a promise to obey the commandments, and to always remember Christ and to carry him with us, in a sense , behave as Christ would. That's all well and good, but I'm bound to screw up every once in a while... okay, maybe more than every once in a while, but who's counting?? Oh, that's right. He is. Well, good news! That's why we are blessed with the Holy Ghost. Not only is the Holy Ghost someone who comforts us when we stand in need of comfort, or guide us when we need direction (or even when we think we don't need it, but we're given a new direction anyways!), or teach us truths, or even makes us aware when things are false, HE is here to help us remit of our sins AFTER baptism. While FIRE sounds quite a bit more painful than Water, I also think it's a way more serious offense to do something wrong AFTER you know it is wrong. I think The Gift of the Holy Ghost that members of our church are blessed with is our opportunity to continually right our wrongs, know which way to go, know what is good and bad. He teaches us our errors, tells us the right way to go, and because of the Sacrament (other wise known as Communion in a lot of other faiths) we are blessed with the ability to completely right our wrongs after repentance. Because we are able to right our wrongs, the Holy Ghost can more readily be with us as we walk more closely in the pathways that Heavenly Father would have us walk. For the Holy Ghost does not dwell in unholy places... including ourselves.
That was a bit preachy... not normally EVER a comfortable spot for me, but I find sincere comfort in the fact that I have the gift and the blessing of having it always with me. But I when I actually use it, that's when it is of greatest worth...
So while the day didn't mean a huge change in my life, it did in the lives of a few who are dearly close to me.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
October is here...?
Where did September go? Wrapped up in the madness, I'm sure.
September tends to be a month of slow and steady transition. We transitioned in to Jonah's first year of school, Dave's LAST year of school and we also got a new addition to the house!
We have welcomed Annie in to our home, and what a blessing she is! She turned 18 on Sept 30th(just last week), but she's been with us for a little over a month now. Annie needed a home where she could grow and learn and progress and we are all more than happy to have her in ours. She's like a sister to me, and a great one at that. Annie is in her last year of high school, so we're working on SAT's and ACT's and college applications. Never thought I'd have to do that so soon, but it sure is fun seeing how much College (and being a "grown-up") has really taught me. I can actually put together full sentences, which I am sure every teen has trouble doing.
Activities in September? Of course! I would love to share pictures(because the pictures help me remember what we did!), but I can't because I seemed to have lost my camera cord... I've searched high and low, but not IN yet. That will be my next excursion.
We also have a new nephew! His name is Joseph Ryan Angel. He was born on 9/14. We went and saw him in Cinci after he was born. He is still in the NICU, but as soon as he is out I'll be able to take pictures of him. I am so happy to have another litt boy on dave's side. That's two new nephews this year!!! How exciting!
October has already been a bustle of excitement! One of my very best friends, Annie Ryan (not 18yr old Annie) got married! For the Second time! In a good way! How, you ask? Well, the first marriage was in her parents back yard with 3 days notice because her soon-to-be hubby was leaving for his second deployment. And instead of sitting around not knowing anything while he's away becayse they can't tell anything to someone who's not a spouse or blood related, they decided to get espoused, and only a few days to honeymoon before he lefts for his tour of duty in Afghanistan. This second time around was a Church wedding, and a beautiful one. They were married at Corpus Christi catholic church in Dayton, Oh as a Christian marriage, as her hubby grew up Seventh Day adventist.
It was a beautiful ceremony, in which my son and I got to play a part. He was a handsome ring bearer who took his job in all seriousness. I got to do a reading that was full of traditional humor and terms like, "my lover is like a gazelle!" My son did a fantastic job. In the hours prior to the event, he even said, "Mommom, I really want to take dose rings down nere to da guy, but really, I just wanna go to dat place an DANCE!" We had fun doing both. The reception was at Carrillon Park. I, however, did not take a lot of pictures while here, because Annie and Todd's friends were professional photographers and their special gift to them is PICTURES, with full rights to them - how awesome is that?!
At any rate, it's October now and all the holiday festivities can begin! I am excited to start crafting for the holidays! Right
September tends to be a month of slow and steady transition. We transitioned in to Jonah's first year of school, Dave's LAST year of school and we also got a new addition to the house!
We have welcomed Annie in to our home, and what a blessing she is! She turned 18 on Sept 30th(just last week), but she's been with us for a little over a month now. Annie needed a home where she could grow and learn and progress and we are all more than happy to have her in ours. She's like a sister to me, and a great one at that. Annie is in her last year of high school, so we're working on SAT's and ACT's and college applications. Never thought I'd have to do that so soon, but it sure is fun seeing how much College (and being a "grown-up") has really taught me. I can actually put together full sentences, which I am sure every teen has trouble doing.
Activities in September? Of course! I would love to share pictures(because the pictures help me remember what we did!), but I can't because I seemed to have lost my camera cord... I've searched high and low, but not IN yet. That will be my next excursion.
We also have a new nephew! His name is Joseph Ryan Angel. He was born on 9/14. We went and saw him in Cinci after he was born. He is still in the NICU, but as soon as he is out I'll be able to take pictures of him. I am so happy to have another litt boy on dave's side. That's two new nephews this year!!! How exciting!
October has already been a bustle of excitement! One of my very best friends, Annie Ryan (not 18yr old Annie) got married! For the Second time! In a good way! How, you ask? Well, the first marriage was in her parents back yard with 3 days notice because her soon-to-be hubby was leaving for his second deployment. And instead of sitting around not knowing anything while he's away becayse they can't tell anything to someone who's not a spouse or blood related, they decided to get espoused, and only a few days to honeymoon before he lefts for his tour of duty in Afghanistan. This second time around was a Church wedding, and a beautiful one. They were married at Corpus Christi catholic church in Dayton, Oh as a Christian marriage, as her hubby grew up Seventh Day adventist.
It was a beautiful ceremony, in which my son and I got to play a part. He was a handsome ring bearer who took his job in all seriousness. I got to do a reading that was full of traditional humor and terms like, "my lover is like a gazelle!" My son did a fantastic job. In the hours prior to the event, he even said, "Mommom, I really want to take dose rings down nere to da guy, but really, I just wanna go to dat place an DANCE!" We had fun doing both. The reception was at Carrillon Park. I, however, did not take a lot of pictures while here, because Annie and Todd's friends were professional photographers and their special gift to them is PICTURES, with full rights to them - how awesome is that?!
At any rate, it's October now and all the holiday festivities can begin! I am excited to start crafting for the holidays! Right
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