Friday, October 15, 2010


While it seemed as any other ordinary day in MY personal life, a few other people had quite the excitement! My sister, Dana, who just so happens to be one of the cutest people ever, happened to make herself even CUTER and get herself married!! Kevin is a Kentucky boy through and through, is now a recruiter for the Air Force and seems to be quite the southern gentleman!

My sister had on this great little outfit that made her look like Carrie Underwood. Even though she may have looked like Carrie Underwood, it's just for reference, because Dana's cuter, for sure!

It was also the day that Annie was confirmed! In our church you can be baptized by immersion for remission of sins on or after your 8th birthday. If you are a convert to the church, obviously you would be baptized on which ever date you chose after your 8th birthday. Annie just turned 18 on Sept 30th and chose 10/9/10. At 19, I chose 8/16/2003. At 15, Dave chose 5/23/1997. And when Jonah nears his 8th birthday he will get to choose his day.

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, after a persons baptism, the following sacrament meeting (Sunday) they are confirmed by receiving the Holy Ghost, to be with you at all times, as a constand guide. Members of the priesthood lay their hands upon the head of the person receiving and they say a simple prayer that bestows the person with the Gift of great magnitude. It is a simple ordinance, but one of great meaning. I sometimes forget the great meaning of it. This past Saturday I learned quite a bit more that I had yet to understand. Sorry if this all gets lost in translation, but if you get confused, just ask, whomever you are. Here'goes:

The process of receiving the Holy Ghost is often called 'the baptism by fire.' While this happens to have all sorts of meanings, I'd like to focus on "baptism." Wait a tick! Wasn't I already baptised? I don't get it. Through further study and understanding of the Holy Ghost, I learned this: We are baptised through immersion for remission of our sins - to be cleansed. In that baptism, we make a promise to obey the commandments, and to always remember Christ and to carry him with us, in a sense , behave as Christ would. That's all well and good, but I'm bound to screw up every once in a while... okay, maybe more than every once in a while, but who's counting?? Oh, that's right. He is. Well, good news! That's why we are blessed with the Holy Ghost. Not only is the Holy Ghost someone who comforts us when we stand in need of comfort, or guide us when we need direction (or even when we think we don't need it, but we're given a new direction anyways!), or teach us truths, or even makes us aware when things are false, HE is here to help us remit of our sins AFTER baptism. While FIRE sounds quite a bit more painful than Water, I also think it's a way more serious offense to do something wrong AFTER you know it is wrong. I think The Gift of the Holy Ghost that members of our church are blessed with is our opportunity to continually right our wrongs, know which way to go, know what is good and bad. He teaches us our errors, tells us the right way to go, and because of the Sacrament (other wise known as Communion in a lot of other faiths) we are blessed with the ability to completely right our wrongs after repentance. Because we are able to right our wrongs, the Holy Ghost can more readily be with us as we walk more closely in the pathways that Heavenly Father would have us walk. For the Holy Ghost does not dwell in unholy places... including ourselves.

That was a bit preachy... not normally EVER a comfortable spot for me, but I find sincere comfort in the fact that I have the gift and the blessing of having it always with me. But I when I actually use it, that's when it is of greatest worth...

Here is Annie and my hubby before and and then also friends at her baptism:

So while the day didn't mean a huge change in my life, it did in the lives of a few who are dearly close to me.

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