Thursday, October 21, 2010

my "lunch" to carrillon park and back.

I work a regular 8-5 job, Monday through Friday along with being on call every 3rd week. My first job post-college, I had a wonderful walking buddy. We had scheduled walks in between our conference calls, phone screens, and resume perusing (we were on a recruiting team). I am in my second job post-college. I am an HR manager for a small Senior Home Care Agency. When I was based out of our Cincinnati Office, it was absolutely insane how busy I was. I would get to work, and then, after a day of running around and running ragged, I would realize that the day was over and then I would also realize that I hadn't eaten anything because I was so busy. I did this to myself nearly every day, or would finally eat around 4 or 5. Yikes. Let me tell you, it did not do wonders for my mentality, psyche or waistline. At one point, I even felt like I was having a heart attack - crazy, right?! Ridiculous. Luckily, about 2 months ago, I was transferred. I no longer have to commute for 2 hours a day, I get to see more sun, and I am MUCH less stressed in our Dayton office. Thank goodness. It has done wonders for my productivity, especially at home and with the family. I am a more normal functioning citizen of society (see how I said, "more." Yeah, well, we all know I am nowhere near normal, but I can at least try). I am no longer exhausted! I have even started CRAFTING again. Thank the heavens. I love crafting.

Back to my original point, work. In my new office, I get the chance to actually TAKE a lunch. I have elected to start walking on my lunches and then come back and eat. Yesterday, I got to walk a few miles to one of the most beautiful parks in Dayton, Carrillon Park. I feasted during my "lunch." Fall was beautiful and I took it all in. As afore mentioned, I am back to crafting, which of course means I am back to photograpy! Below are some of the pictures I took at the park on my "lunch" break. Love.

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